Mumina Musings
5 min readJul 31, 2024


Man exists in a reality fabricated from many dimensions and their rulers. However, Man at any one-point cannot experiences all these dimensions. Because of the nature of the ego, which Man needs to live, Man can only experience so much. Thus his reality is limited to the nature of his ego.

Does it make the limited ego bad?

Limitations and Expansions

Like a point in time, Man’s reality is made up of a collection of dimensions and paradigms.

There is much in existence that was never meant for Man to experience other than through the Mind. Even so, Man was never made to be subject to these said experiences but was to grow spiritually from them.

What the general spiritual community calls expansions is a removal of egoist limitation and bringing awareness to the largeness of existence. It might sound like such a great thing but is it really?

Not to every Man, no it is not.

Motivations and Aspirations

If you eat of this fruit, you shall be like gods. Yet Man is not like gods, these deities. Man is above them, having been given dominion, Man does not rule over just a part of creation but over the entirety of it. This with a purpose as is with all things made.

When Man lacks understanding of his true identity, he becomes like a limp flag atop a pole. Lacking an upstanding character, he takes on the most persuasive force that passes by. This has been the predicament of Man over the years, for deception was rooted during the infancy of Man’s understanding.

Stepping out of one’s power is as simple as denying your identity. Man can be no other thing that what he is. He can however be used, deceived and used, into another’s agenda.

Therefore, it has to be asked, what does Man aspire to and what is his motivation?

A Fall from Grace

And in those days, God walked with Man. Till Man hid for fear being seen naked. Then Man had to live in strive, struggle and conflict. Over time, he lost sensitivity and lived governed by sensuality.

Within Man is a natural compass. Some call it intuition others discernment, but to all has it been given. It can be argued that this is really a combination of the said five senses. It is a navigation system to be used while moving through creation: dimensions, rulers and all. A receiver of information while the Mind continually emits signals.

The Man who does not understand this is lost in the senses, reduced to gratifying the senses. The sensitivity innate to Man, when lost, leaves a large chunk of Man empty. The emptiness must be filled, somehow. Just that nothing else is large enough to fill it other than the sensitivity itself.

What of Sensitivity?

To be sensitive is to be aware of the largeness of life. To be aware of the largeness of life it to marvel at the wonders there in. To marvel at the wonders is to be aware of the Creator of it all. To be aware of the Creator is to be filled, sustained and fulfilled by the Creator. To be willingly engaged with the Creator is an act of worship.

Man is a reflector of the Creator within the fullness of creation. All of creation is fed by this glory, like an infinitely powerful battery that sustains a system. Sensitivity is Man’s connection to the system, through which he is able to pick onto things happening in the fabric of existence.

Now, it is possible to have sensitivity and refuse to be connected to the Creator. This is a freewill choice. The main idea behind this choice is the original lie, that Man can be like gods. He therefore rejects the idea of a supreme being in favor of a lesser or even his own self. This choice limits the flow of glory, for the refusal to connect is a barrier.

The Lie

For we wrestle not against flesh but against rulers and principalities in high places.

There are things in existence that Man was meant to simply experiences but never interact with. These dimensions are a part of human life but not the human life itself. These rulers and principalities were never to be part of the human living. Yet, these said rulers left their unseen and revealed themselves to Man.

Everything has its design, purpose and informed mode of operation. Spirit is spirit is just that, unless it is incarnate and then its has to be born through seed. Even as a cell, the process repeats itself in the formation of seed and its growth.

Anything not seeded has an agenda to be amongst the seeded. A vessel is needed too. A godless Man is subject to these beings, for there is a void needing to be filled. A sensitive Man having rejected the creator is even better, for they can be influenced easily.

Man now lives believing that he is powerless. The first implied lie. Next, he believes that the creator could care less of him. The second implied lie when Man was made incarnate. Next, he believes that he must seek his own power. The third which creates power hungry men, megalomaniacs who can be bought for a price. Next, he believes that as a powerful Man he is above all others. The final lie, which blinds a Man with pride and apathy, justifying sin and all acts against life.

NOTE: All godless Men lie along this path. All godless Men fell for the lie and are now feeding points for the power-hungry principalities, who would not understand why Man had dominion. They went after Man’s dominion and blinded men went after their falsely promised power. Confusion! For this reason, seeking expansion of the ego without godliness is not a good thing. Often, the need is fed by a need for power but what more power can Man have other than that of dominion? That a Man who knows and understands who he is can speak a word and have the creations listen?

Mumina Musings
Mumina Musings

Written by Mumina Musings

Free spirit. Fire heart. Genius mind. Self realize to self actualize. Visit

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