BREAK IT DOWN …If you must
It’s odd, Existence in this Universe, how one thing can be present in so many different forms. Almost like it revels in difference and diversity. Like how coal, graphite and diamond are one and the same thing in certain levels. One I burn for energy, the other I use to draw and the other I kill for its supposed value yet at the most basic level each is just carbon. This very carbon, can go on to join with many other elements to create so many other things: like CO and CO2 gases. And of course, all life forms on this very planet are carbon based. Meaning carbon, hydrogen and oxygen came together in a wild dance and voila! we have trees, fish, birds, beasts and Man.
Note that these elements, on the periodic table at least, are all just different expressions of the 5 Principal Elements i.e. Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. However way you want to think about life this is a basic level …sub atomic, all of life and what happens is controlled at this very level. Where energy remains to be energy, it does act and mold itself into many shapes and forms but at the end of the day, everything is pure energy in motion. From a spiritual stand point, it is a flimsy thing to fully grasp yet from a scientific, everything is broken down to its most basic. Light.
“Let there be Light and there was Light”
Light collected itself into pockets called Photons and these photons are the building blocks of the Universe. In basic physics, you’ll hear of photons in solar power generation. These photons are in constant movement, breaking apart and building up again. In this sense, energy never dies but simply changes form. Think of it like the life cycle: one is born, grows and dies just to become soil and its nutrients which feed other life as they go through their cycles.
With this is mind, let us go back to things we hear in the spiritual community like vibes and energy. They literary imply at the basic elemental building blocks in a Being and how their physical and chemical properties are expressed in the manifest world. This is however a base perspective, since other factors come to play as one interacts with their environment.
However, in the most basic view, these building blocks determine much about the physical and nonphysical properties of a Being. The physical implies at the form and shape while the nonphysical implies at mannerism, conduct and behaviorism. Between these two are other factors like compatibilities with other life forms, responsivity to various stimuli and modes of exchange with other forms.
A spiritual life will mean different things for different people, never mind the fact that what pushes us to get onto the path is hugely varied. We may share many aspects to our journey and the ways we choose to embark on it. One thing is true however, although what we seek is nonphysical the way we get there is very physical. It is about every day mundane things that make up life. As such, we cannot escape the reality that we simply must get in tune with our own basic energetic make up. We do this to understand how best to handle our very physical day to day affairs and most especially what and how we feed ourselves. In a different article, I shall go into the body a sheath of consciousness and how its works from the finest energetic stand point up to the very gross physical body we are all familiar with.
None of this, although understood from two polar ends, opposes the other. In fact, for the first time in human history both science and esoteric knowledge have converged at this one point where each complements the findings of the other. One question seems to remains, what really is consciousness?