We may not like to admit this, but many of the issues we face as a society begin first and foremost in our very homes. Yes, from acts of terrorism to suicides, political strife and administrative corruptions so on and so forth. Often, we ourselves will quote how charity begins at home …implying that even anti-charity begins at home, don’t you agree?
This being established, understand that the first years of a human being, counting from the day of conception to seven years of age, affect the rest of his life. Think about this, many successful people will state how they made the choice to conquer young …or at least made the lifestyle choice that would lead them to the ultimate turning point young. Some are even ignorant of this, call it subconscious acts and choices. Then think about all men in a certain family who have this common trait …be it womanizing, alcoholism, suicide, violence or whatever. They were exposed to these energies young, therefore they were imprinted into their being. Get the idea, mtoto wa nyoka ni nyoka ( a snake begets a snake).
The ideal state of child birth would be where the adults have fully conquered their battles so their own children do not have to fight in them but this is far from the case. In fact, more and more children are being born to pre-, mid- and just post adolescents. Between June 2016 and July 2017, 378 397 adolescents (10 to 19-year-old) got pregnant in Kenya. 4 out of 10 women aged between 15 and 49 fall pregnant unintentionally. We shall simply mention that many of these are born out of wedlock, to single mothers or wanting partnerships that eventually fall apart. Add this to the fact that we are living in a spiritually defeated society facing not just economic but psychological, environmental and social crisis as well and clearly disaster looms.
It goes without saying that the cycles keep getting passed on to the younger generations. Keep this in mind, it’s accepted that the child’s generation is smarter, sharper and faster than the father’s. This goes for the negative as well, so while living in depression was accepted for generation Alpha then suicides, psychopathy, sociopathy and hate crimes will be the new norm for generation Beta. While sensual implications and sexual innuendos were tolerated in Gen Alpha, then nymphomania, sexual crimes and deprivation are the norm for Gen Beta. While gender, tribal and racial discriminations were okay for Gen Alpha, then violence, assaults and murder based on these discriminations are the new norm in Gen Beta. What of Gen Omega?
Unless otherwise decided by an individual. We can live expecting that those who choose different will rescue the world from itself but that is too much work for any one soul. Just think about it, even the greatest fighters of freedom could only do so much. Although our freedom fighters managed to get us independence, they could not heal the racial inferiority still operating. While Martin Luther and his contemporaries would go on to destroy judicial discriminations, they could not heal the racial hate still prevalent in society. One man really can change the world, these have continued to prove this case true, yet even he needs an army willing to follow his example.
True change in the society begins with the willingness to follow the new path created by the trailblazer. It does take time but we begin to heal ourselves so the next generations do not pay for our sins. Even those born into trying circumstances, the child learns to undo years of a damaged psychological function by watching the father heal. You can only do so much to change your ancestral legacy yet by simply trying while your children watch you alter outcomes of generations to come. Now your child knows they can overcome and how to overcome. They shall therefore overcome because this became the new norm, the new legacy that they shall pass on forth until no more healing is needed in the lineage. Kudos for trying! Not all heroes wear capes.