We must teach the children to love themselves, there is no other way to end this epidemic of poor mental and psychological health in the society today.
We must teach them that they are important, so they do not walk around hoping their lacking sense of worth does not drown them in mountains of pills, lakes of liquor, skies full of addictions and misconstrued sexual habits.
We must have them understand, every thing is determined by their own choices. Let them feed their minds, cleanse their souls and free their spirits, that is to live.
We must show them they matter, every one of the living souls matter, not lost boast roaming seas of existence but drops in the ocean floating the fouls and watering the earth.
We must remind them of their origins, tell them stories of their motherlands and pride lands, when they go searching and seeking for their identities the tales of old remind them, they are limitless. They are guided.
We must show them love, so they understand the least expected modicum of interactions with themselves and with the each other, forget the hatred and malice to find a better day.
We must have them walk the Earth and swim the Seas, understand that magic happens where they are for in them the waters and the lands and the airs are constantly burning to keep them alive and breathing.
We must show them how to bow at the feet, bow down at their little feet, show them that humility is the emerald in the crown on the King’s head. They are reverent, everyone is reverent, and reverence is the language of a people.
We must run with them, walk with them and when age allows no longer, simply sit then lay with them. Age gracefully and with honor before them, age is not a curse but a blessing. Show them to carry their youth with them all their days and die still young shall they in old age.
We must sing and dance with them, teach them to merry in all of life’s occasions today as we are. They are deserving of life, joy and more life: while laughing, nothing can kill them or their spirits.
We must show them how to eat, to cook and to grow their foods: show them what to grow for what. Never shall they ingest sickness or stomach poisons, ever guarding their temples as much as they do their souls. A strong people they are.
We must speak of life, more life, of days yonder still full of fresh spring rains and plenty a summer’s harvest. Of thankful hearts and sober minds and willing hands and peaceful feet. There is hope among such a people.
We must first remember to be children ourselves, to learn how to show them and not just speak to them. Lead the way and live by example. We must raise our own hope to raise a hopeful people. We must unlearn to relearn how to be a whole people.
We must show the children, how to be a whole people.