You can always tell a lot about someone by their eyes. That is why she kept eye contact with even the strangers, sometimes allowing herself to be pulled into them and for a brief moment experience the worlds of their minds. It is scary but she learnt that those receiving the stare were often more afraid than she ever will be. She loved it, a secret everybody knew but was too trapped in these very minds to really use. She herself happened to just stumble upon it.
Every morning she rode the bus to her campus and although she did have the body of a 24 year old, her heart was that of a child. Her mind was where the two melded into one and though she saw how ugly the world could get, her inner child managed to see the innocence in even the evilest being. Indeed, being who she was with her gift in a world where she was nothing, there wasn’t much she could not see. And lately, understand.
Many saw her views as being rather naïve but even those thoughts she saw as they formed in the minds of her beholders. There is something beautiful and strangely powerful to being invisible when you can see everything. Like hiding in plain sight, it did not take much to wear the heart on the sleeves and let the distrust in man do the rest. An angel could show up willing to heal all their needs and Man would accuse him of being conniving or laugh at his face for his kindness. Then they will go creating some of the hardest plans, to try and manipulate the innocence and naivety they mistrusted just to get what was being offered for free in the first place.
In her bus rides, observing in that way she did, the paradoxes that run the world jumped at her from everywhere. She had to remember to hold in her laugh although sometimes it was too much and she snickered. She had gotten accustomed to the odd looks thrown her way by those she observed but she had seen enough to not care. She flaunted the beauty she found in herself to the world, sad it was should anyone decide to judge and prejudice. Still she hummed to her music and danced in the streets as she walked from the bus stop to her campus.
She was smart and always knew that but it meant nothing much to her, like being a female was just her gender and part of her identity. All the A’s meant nothing if that was all they were. She instead used her smart to deduce Truths and connect facts to paint a picture larger than life. In her mind was an abstract art of magnanimous proportions constantly being expanded and drawn. Asked to explain it, her words would fail but the emotions and feelings of them would flow out of her so softly. It bothered her to the core that in that distrusting way Man had shut himself up. Even when the feelings flowed they met walls and dams that wouldn’t allow for the art be painted in another.
It was rare, meeting another one of her kind in a world dead but living. But meet them she did, once the first one came by they just kept coming in a steady but sure pace. While initially her desires for company had been to escape being lonely in her aloneness now it was about sharing her alone. While at first it was about letting her walls down to be seen in her naked Truth, now it was to accept the acknowledgement from those who truly saw her Truth. She loved her Truth and even more the nakedness in that Truth. Hiding was no longer an option, she was open.
Maybe that is why she loved seeing the Truth in others, even when they would not acknowledge her seeing it. She did not flaunt it around, that she could see and saw others in their essence. Rather, she held on to it and would it be part of the bigger plan, would mention the most relevant Truth she had seen in a short encounter with the other. In those few moments, she would validate the person as they were: choosing to accept and acknowledge the Man they were.
Then, channelling a force and wisdom beyond what she would ever understand, acknowledged and called out the Soul in the Man. Her last words held a power so soothing it settled on the heart and mind like a balm. Those more open would walk away different, some saying they felt a healing happening. Those more shut, would walk away with questions but a seed had been planted. Whatever the case, she had a gift and she used it actively.
Many describe her as the odd and quire girl, often found seated alone reading, listening to music or just watching people. Some mention her love for flowers and nature while others still her odd sense of fashion. Some her confident gait or blatant ways. One thing each will tell you is the rather intense stare and otherworldly look in her eyes. Almost like chaos existed within her and if you look deeply, will pull you in fast. What they never know, is her untameable heart insisted on feeling things so deeply even when they did not belong to her. Her eyes simply told tales from her world and that of others.