Mumina Musings
3 min readJun 1, 2020


The stars really are home, made up of the same stuff after all. We live longing for the freedom they have but humanity seems to erased altogether

Locked, not ready but locked, Home Bound.

Funny, how one may live and associate and still feel alone. Not locked out of the circle, locked in where no other may enter. Home Bound, the ship sails.

In the myriad of places and things, attracted to outcomes and desiring of experiences, among one’s own yet alone. A call too deep, draws forth the ship no other can enter. Home Bound; it calls.

Searching, what for? How does one explain, the inexplicable draw to places unknown or unseen, like insanity masqueraded under the sane? In this aloneness, Home Bound still.

Forever exists in short moments and short moments easily become forever. Life stretches in between the two, being drawn to the unknown yet drawing closer still to the known… like Alephs scattered across Time, leading forth and on; Home Bound.

This place Home, has no name or face, bears no position or location, stretching into Eternity from whence all of Infinity flows. All together scattered, altogether bundled abroad and moving still. Home Bound.

The secrets and mysteries of the Heavens, we of the Land know not. Yet hidden deep within our recesses, the Children of the Heavens lie potent yet patient. They call, calling, calling us forth calling us Home Bound.

Thus, I must answer: he who called to me, must I answer back. In between the Echoes of our Voices, pushing through at light speeds, glimpses of Eternity bombard the depths of me. I just need to get there, reach there; Home Bound.

In this I Am truly alone, only I hearing the call. Only I calling back to the call. And echoes everywhere, reverberations across all Cosmos, that will not let me rest nor stay put until I get to where I am going. Home Bound.

Ancient mysteries awaken in me, on forth as I move. Not ready I see I Am, yet locked on the journey I remain. Is it even a journey really? To whence do I head, now when I Am Home Bound?

Restless Spirit within, the Loner in this over populace, whispering names that mean nothing to me yet make sense of all that is. These words keep urging, pushing, moving me forth to that place unknown. I remain Home Bound.

Ancient of Days stirs within, Powers Unspoken reveal without. Fantastic of Dreams stir below, Unveiling of Events reveal above. Manifestations beyond words, Dominion without limits. Conscious Co-creations reach out, Awareness of Mind attracts to them. Home Bound they move me still.

Mere Man I AM it seems; Magnificent Manifestor I AM proclaims experience. In the unfolding I remain alone, the Loner Spirit caught up in the social nets. Sharing Time, Space and Dimensions with fellow Man, Alone in the Inner Worlds where Cosmos resides. Home Bound, the ship sails.

Somehow, everything exists in me …that is why I am a powerful manifestor. What if the Heaven I long so is mine for the making and not just entry?

Not ready, but locked, I search spans of Existence. Among Men and Angels alike, in the Seen do I experience the Unseen. In the Unseen do I understand the Seen. No clashing Worlds, just Twin States, all within and the Loner Spirit walks heading home, to the Ancient of Days, where the call calls. Home Bound I remain.



Mumina Musings
Mumina Musings

Written by Mumina Musings

Free spirit. Fire heart. Genius mind. Self realize to self actualize. Visit shebelives.wordpress.com

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