Mumina Musings
4 min readJul 11, 2024


Matter, Energy, Time… Body, Soul, Spirit.

Man is a combination of things, intersection of lines and reality. In fact, every Man lives and exists within a unique set of dimensions and paradigm created by their choices. Here’s how…

Lines and Dimensions

The figurative idea of line represents progression of a decision made and its ensuing consequences. For every action there is a reaction. The line being continuous can get cyclic when the same kinds of decisions are repeated.

If an idea and its consequences are a line, then the plane on which the line exists is a dimension. The dimension is about the nature of the choice. A choice could be thought, feeling, word and action. Every dimension, each with its unique nature, has an energetic spectrum equivalent to said emotions, thoughts and acts.

Totality of Reality

Reality is a summation of lines and dimensions. Man is a creature of habit; the chosen lines and dimensions can get rather predictive. He is however at will to drop out of a linear progression by choosing different. He can get out of a dimension by acting different.

Through the Mind Man reaches and finds places light years away, through the Mind Man can enter places his Body has no business being. Through the Mind Man is able to receive sparks of creativity and inspiration from these places.

The Soul and Mind are able to traverse through dimensions with the many thoughts that Man has. He however chooses what he shall dwell on. Whichever dimension he chooses, he gives himself over to its nature. His Mind becomes a portal through which the Soul moves in and out of the dimension. Other entities dwelling and operating in the same dimension can use the Mind portal as well.

Layers and Hierarchy

Caution, Man who lacks self-knowledge and understanding will be subject to a dimension. For we do not fight against flesh but against principalities, powers, rulers and cosmic forces in high places.

Before Matter is Energy existing in Time. Before Body is Soul existing from Spirit. Matter is made up of congealed energy, energy that has slowed to a fixed state. Body is made out of Spirit through DNA. Because of this Man is subject to the Unseen and the Spiritual. Dimensions operate in the unseen and only the inspired action is seen in the physical.

Every dimension has its permanent inhabitants as well as sojourners, pilgrims and visitors. Both spirit entities and Man.

Every dimension has its set of laws and rules of existence and interaction. Everyone who chooses to enter the said dimension has agreed to comply to these set of regulations.

Every dimension has its ruler, a spirit entity who holds the code for the said dimension and is therefore supreme as far as the dimension is concerned. A ruler and his dimension are one and the same thing, much as the Spirit, Soul and Body are one and the same.

The Godly

Man is inherently made the image of the Creator. Although earthly in his physical form, he holds dominion in the spirit. In a sense, the least is made the greatest. However, Man endeavors to be like gods; rejecting his authority in pursuit of another’s. He rejects his dominion chasing after the limited power of things that were never his. He is fallen from grace chasing after a fallacy.

The implications are far reaching! By reaching for the power of a said entity, Man gives himself over to its dimensions. By partaking and indulging in matters of a dimension, Man gives himself over to its ruler. Some of which are in essence fallen angels seeking the dominion of Man, to devour Man.

Man may learn to apply the rules, giving him a degree of power but he will never have any authority because the dimension only answers to itself. The Man is in fact subject to the dimension.

When Man understands his nature, he enters his place of power and authority. All of creation is Man’s dimension; he is given dominion to rule over creation. It is not for him to control a certain aspect but to apply the totality of it for his own spiritual growth. He is to coexist with, find a purpose for and act as a trustee while incarnated. This is a Godly Man, who knows and lives as such.

Self-control begins with the Mind and being conscious and intentional about it. Resist the devil and flees.

This Man has authority surpassing the rulers of dimensions and their relevant entities. He understands that all dimensions are subject to the laws of creation and will not be made subject to the dimensions. He guards his heart and takes every thought captive under righteousness. He is firmly set in understanding and authority.

NOTE: Dimensions are fractals of Creation; they are subject to the laws that govern Creation. However, every fractal has its own reality. These are Universal Laws, which in essence can be reduced to Love. Not lust. Not affection. Not attraction. Love. No, love is not a feeling or emotion. Love is a state and condition of existence. It is what you do, why you do. All this because Man is a likeness within an image: what Man puts out is reflected back. You reap, you sow.

Mumina Musings

Free spirit. Fire heart. Genius mind. Self realize to self actualize. Visit