People never rise above the opinions of themselves.
Simple? Yeah …Deep? Very. The folly of such statements is in their simplicity, how the simplicity is nothing more than an aggregate of such depth and vastness, they do say that calm waters run deep yes?
Yes, what I do think of myself will always have more implications over my life than what others think of me. People always talk and learning to look beyond gossip and cheap words is a skill anyone needs to have. In any case, you’ll never make everyone happy and even so it seems almost impossible to make anyone happy at that these days, Understandable. Now, the real question is this, can you rise beyond the chatter and self-talk in your own head?
The thing about the mind is just how vast and deep it is. The Mind has very little to do with the organ called brain. The brain is nothing more than a receptor and transmitter of signals. The Mind is however the source and receiver of these said signals. The Mind mirrors in every aspect the vast Universe and its working. If Mother Nature is the ordered way in which the Universe operates then Energy is the forces Mother Nature uses to keep everything in moving in order. So is the Brain this manifest form and the Mind the unseen forces operating to keep the manifest in ordered form.
To think of yourself as all you see then you miss the largest aspects of yourself which is the unseen. The Mind cannot be limited or simply held in place by the body. Its limitlessness is in fact it one power but as is always the case, a strength misunderstood and misused is a weakness. Man remains constantly unaware of themselves and the contents of their vast Minds. This lack of awareness is what we call un(sub)consciousness.
Now the thing about the Mind is how it keeps store and record of life’s experiences. With this in mind, pun intended, realize that many of our experiences especially from childhood remain in a loophole replay …often in the far-off recesses of the Mind. Rarely do we ever realize we are in a constant state of thought so we never ever get to examine the nature of thoughts we have. These thoughts hold the secret to our pain, aches and sources of suffering. They are the replaying of our Core Wounds often telling tall tales of inadequacy, powerlessness, inability and great lack. These tales go on to birth others of rejection, neglect, abuse, co-dependency. These go on to bear others of toxicity …the cycles keep going on and on.
Never will there ever power where the perceived reality is powerlessness. It is only broken when one chooses to act despite the feelings of powerlessness, pushing beyond the fear and doubts. This is what the Hero’s Journey is ever about, though it ever begins as the Fool’s/Coward’s Journey. Where the good for nothing chooses to go for it even though the Fools tend to be propelled by utter ignorance while the Coward is forced by circumstances. The one has nothing to lose since he agrees he’s a nothing while the other has everything to lose though they don’t believe they can do it. The irony remains that each acts despite of their self-opinions. This is nothing more than the activation of their Power of Self.
Maybe the answer comes in realizing there is nothing to lose other than one’s self then working up the courage to save their own self. Often than not, it begins as empty talk to self, urging one to get up and try. The assumption of a Fool makes all the difference, for only the self-accepted fool learns to be more than just that. Everyone else hides behind arrogance or physical wealth and security. It takes more than this to get going. In the end, comes the realization that we are more than what we have always seen or thought of ourselves. If we never knew it before it was because we never went beyond, never pushed ourselves far enough …never bothered to try!
It remains thought that in this sense we were our own biggest enemies… we never rose above the opinions of ourselves.