Mumina Musings
5 min readMar 29, 2020


From Darkness Light emerged: from Chaos, Order is formed. All this seeming chaos is an opportunity to rebuild.

I assure you, should you read any one article I have written, I talk of the same thing from different approaches. I choose this because although the destination is one, the path taken by the mystic, the devout, the alchemist, the psychologist etc. will not be the same. But to find your path, you must know what you were made to traverse. This is the true challenge, the act of familiarising with your own self and understand that which you stand for, long for and live for.

I once had a dream, an odd one even amongst many. In this one, the world was overrun with the living dead who could somehow pinpoint the living alive ones. The living alive ones were rather few and cornered, scared as hell of becoming the living dead. The LD had gathered outside with a wrecking ball ready to smoke us out. Amongst us was a portal opener, who led us underground to buy some time. Of course we could not stay there especially because of the many children we had. All this while, a silent voice kept reminding me that I am a Universe Builder. In this one dream, although having no prior practice, I had to create a world into which the portal opener would ferry us. One unknown and unreachable to the living dead.

This was at the onset of 2017. If I had known the foreshadowing symbolism, then 2020 would not be such a shocker. But as the gradual passing of time (Kronos) would have it, the path was unfolding and revealing itself to me. It has been a long way coming and now more than ever, the urge to inform people of an alternative lifestyle has become a gnaw. The dream had more to do with my own journey than I could understand then. It also had the least to do with just myself. Here’s how.

If you search far and wide, you will find yourself constantly coming back to your own self. We as Man are rather powerful creatures in that we are powerful creators as well. Like the engine turbines keep running unbeknownst to the driver, so does this aspect of ourselves operate. This is good news, really. But being that we have forgotten this one fact about ourselves, we have gone right ahead and created some of the most deplorable states of living. I keep insisting on the #Power of I Am because no one can best address our needs other than we who have the need itself.

The totality of our experiences as Man is highly tied in with the lives of every other man who has walked, is walking and will walk of the face of this very Earth. All our actions count!

Any one solitary Man is in fact a builder, constantly occupied with the process of creating a life for themselves. In the Man himself are various elements needed to create a lasting structure, with our facets/aspects being comparable to the mortar, brick and whatever else is needed. At any one moment, a Man is engaged in mixing and laying up these aspects to create a Space for his existence. A Man lacking in consciousness, comparable to the living dead, is more often than not preoccupied with building structures for others or judging others for their own construction. These men barely understand the paradoxical permanence and passivity of time: they build no further than their noses. Their structures can barely endure the huffing and puffing of the big bad wolf. Their lives are the running mice in wheels, all their efforts seem to naught.

A conscious Man is aware of the aspects and therefore equipment needed to create the structure he needs. He understands that his Soul will exist beyond just the physical body and therefore strives to build lasting structures. Sometimes he knows that old and outdated structures occupy his space and must come down first. Forces of destruction are truly his allies because he knows himself. He goes ahead to acquire anything else he is lacking, taking his time to fully understand the existing, the desired and the naturally availed blueprints he is working with.

Conscious Men are dangerous, for the true power of Man is his ability to focus and concentrate thought. These Men can mould out any path for anyone to walk: their ability to see far, wide and deep sets them apart from the narrow perspectives of most men. They can work for their own self-centred motives, playing luke warm by harming no man but having no intention to aid them either. Lucky if your desires and goals synchronise with their own. Of course, others are busy ensuring Man never awakens to this truth. They understand that anyone who is able to harness the minds of men is ever most a powerful being. They tirelessly strive at this, to keep Man preoccupied so they can shape their attention, focus and barely perceived path. Some still work at recreating this consciousness and awareness in fellow Man, seeking not glory for themselves but to share with humanity the joys of embodying the divine.

There is no clearer image to be painted on what co-creation really is. He who has understood the power of Man’s mind has the ability to shape up a reality of and for countless beings. Motives will always matter more than anything else. This is the law of #Karma, that any force will have an equal and counter force …think action vs. reaction. Co-creation simply implies that you’re using this law to create a foreseeable and almost certain outcome by setting into effect specific motions both within and without. Co-creations takes a look at the relationships one has with themselves, fellow Man and the general creation as well. The total outcome is highly dependent on your “my space” and your ability to change it as well as that of others. Thus the terms Ripple effect, Butterfly theory and Domino effect.

So really, are we in a place to take what life offered and Pimp It Up!? Upgrade!?



Mumina Musings
Mumina Musings

Written by Mumina Musings

Free spirit. Fire heart. Genius mind. Self realize to self actualize. Visit

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