Why ask that question?
Well, how about how intentional life is. A million and one odds that a planet such as Earth would not occur. Well, it did. A billion and one odds that life would not happen. It did! Such that there is barely room to doubt just how orderly it is. Everything has its proper place and purpose, so precise in its design. Says it all. Able to propagate and keep going.
So diverse, so showy.
That is life.
In its Entirety?
Well, no.
Trying to distinguish living from nonliving has limited life, boxed in form. However, all living things have consciousness and are able to get about their days and lives doing whatever it is that they do. Another thing has consciousness though… energy. Energy has consciousness.
The most basic definition of consciousness is awareness of existence. But how does one know there is awareness or lack thereof? Well, here things begin to get jumbled up. See, the thing is it’s hard to observe a system while you are in the system. Obvious scientific facts. Not so obviously, Man is in the system but not of the system.
Well, what does that even mean?
Anomaly called Man
Now nothing is restrained from them, that they imagine to do. Though all other scientifically living things can learn, by far Man has exhibited a hungry need to learn that drives all that he does. This has set him apart on the planet, having conquered- even defeated- it. And himself?
It comes down to intelligence: the ability to acquire, accrue and apply knowledge. Man loves this! Man is innately curious about himself and his surroundings, virtually recording everything he has found and coming up with new ways to apply it.
It is by design Man’s purpose.
Underlying Commonalities
All of the universe has been created out of star stuff. Sub atomically, the structures look different but are constructed from the same things. The structures come together to create ever more complex structures.
Anything in form and has mass takes energy to keep it in form. This includes Man, animals, plants, rocks and valleys, skies and rivers, planets and stars. Everything in between.
A Matter or The Matter
Massive amounts of energy are released during the process of death. Matter disintegrates returning to the state of flow. Essentially matter is massive amounts of energy in a congealed state. Energy freely flows in and out of states, matter is held by massive force to stay in fixed states.
The question that comes to mind then, how does energy know when to exist this way and another? Displaying a high degree of self-awareness and discipline. In fact, there would not be much of an existence without energy. How calculated and precise energy moves.
Existence exists because energy exists! Life exists because of energy. The absence of energetic flow is death, equivalent to the lack of flow of glory from the Creator. The physical has always mimicked the spiritual, rather, it works based on the blueprint that is the spirit.
The Creator shines of glory and feeds the creation’s spirits including Mans’ Spirit and Man pours out his Spirit into the things he does based on his purpose. Such the sun burns giving out endless amounts of energy that plants fed on. They feed animals that feed the soil that plants feed on only to feed the animals so on and so forth.
Note: The plants continuously integrate more sun energy into the cycle since the change of energy uses up energy in and of itself. Man continuously integrates God’s glory into creation, which awaits the manifestation of the Sons of God. Creation is Man’s dimension, he is the dominion holder, the ruler. The dominion is not separate from their dimension: so is Man and the wholeness of Creation. Spirit and physical.