We as Man still have a long way to go and not in the way you might be thinking.
Having existed for so long, Man can name many a things he feels proud to have. Even more however, are the things and lives it cost to have all these. Think on the carbon emissions and global warming, ice cups melting and cities frying, wars, genocides and pogroms… the list is endless. And it’s nasty, not much unlike the state of Nature. After having travelled many a miles, many are determined to keep going while some want to stop and really just ask “Are we on the right path?”
This is one of the globally accepted taboos, often smashed upon appearances by resisting hearts and fanatical minds that insist on the superiority of man. The most common and maybe even most effective tact is the phrase: that’s deep man! As if implying that to find the answer to that question will require deeper thought we are not willing or are unable to undertake. “Too much work!” they say in such a seemingly harmless statement. Yet this question and those it sires must be asked.
If Man is on the right track, then why are we paying for it with our health, social wellness, environmental welfare, mental state and spiritual growth?
If cars and industries contribute to global warming, is it right that we keep urging our own to aspire for their own cars and more industries?
If modern medicine is the answer, how come illnesses seem to be growing in number and intensity?
If Man is truly free, how come one’s existence is costing them more and more every day?
If civilisation is the prime dream, why is Nature disappearing right before our eyes?
If entering heaven took just one white rhino from all of Mankind, then is there anyone really getting into heaven after all?
Just think about, Man was made to be catered to and to cater for Nature …probably why some planet in some distant galaxy won’t spin out of orbit …but how much of this have we really been doing after it’s all said and done?