I left, long ago way before I even realized that I had even left. I left that which I thought was home and went seeking for places fit for me, fit just for me.
The journeys home thus began. Many years still I walked, have walked. Many more miles left to go and still…
Long, the land I walked were filled with sands and dunes, telling tales of lack of abundance and even more lack. In these deserts I walked and walked and walked. The cactus, ever sturdy against all odds, kindred souls …
…forget not the roaming lion …
…followed so closely behind, hidden from sight but there still through every step taken. Roaming lion, awaiting my demise. Cowardly lion, hiding in the shadows. Weakly lions, creeping awaiting the weakness surely to come …
And I walked still. Met lost Souls, unknowing of their lostness.
Met broken Souls, fallen into their despair and hopelessness.
Met roaming Souls, overtaken in their bitterness.
Lifeless Souls, long dead in their lives and searching.
Met many more, looking still and the despaired even. Devilish souls and angelic kinds, that gently led into wisdom and more.
Even now, still searching…
Home held no warmth or accepting hands. Living among despaired Souls, one must learn to be hardened. Those who never do are doomed a death of misery. Sad reality this, reality still to be lived.
Yet the Sons of God must walk, accepted amongst none but their kind. Finding no comfort or pillows to lay their heads, least they forget to keep walking …walking…walking …
This place is no home for Universe Builders and Dream Weavers, Architects of Time and Warriors in Time. This place holds no space for them, Gods in their own rights, asking not for worship of Man but refusing to accept chained fates and mutilated existences.
Dominion gives them no rest until it is accepted of them, call it Destiny, that they must find their Calls …
… others answers.
Then, Home became here I stood. The Paths to Home became numerous, incalculable, Home became that which I allowed my Self…
…Self would always be at Home here where it is allowed to be.
I have nothing more, the blessings and abundances overflow from the cups of my Heart and cusps of the Soul. And all I ever wanted, needed, lies here. Gifted of the Creator, Enabled of the Mother.
I call… call… call …