Mumina Musings
6 min readJun 20, 2020


We tend to think of Nature and the Almighty as separate and often conflicting yet what a folly it is to assume -and believe- that God the Creator and Mother Nature the Nurturer as anything less than an efficient team

We hear every day, of the Father, whom we search for and even go maniacal at times over. Indeed, there is an irony in how we separate ourselves from this Father even after all the search. Almost as if, believing that we may be worthy of finding Him is an abomination …so why do we search so much anyway, if we find just to turn away ourselves? Well, thinking on it, I seemed to figure out where the divide did happen. And it has nothing to do with the elusive Father but something more tangible and present here with us, in us and us in it…Mother Nature.

We all know of the forces of life, that move from galaxies away to this very Earth so constructed to allow for the form of life that we are. We know of how even in Earth, the forces from galaxies away interact to ensure life does happen, growing fields and filling rivers, snowing the mountains and warming the seas just so bacteria, fungi, fish, birds, reptiles, mammals, plants and most especially Man can survive …And thrive! This force, associated with motherhood simply because we women mimic so easily what it naturally does, nurture. Now, whether we want to readily agree with this or not, we are part of this force and this force moves in us to keep us moving.

And God said, ‘Let there BE light” and there WAS light.

This part is where to forget that pre-creation there are in fact two forces mentioned. The Father and the Waters… and if you read your scripture, you’ll come to understand that Waters tend to refer to Spirit. This Waters is literally everywhere, to the point and degree that an activated Heart is compared to a spring of living waters. Huh? Implying the Waters do have life and literally so, WATER IS LIFE. Water is the most abundant of any thing in this Universe, it repeats itself everywhere from the Earth and Man being 72% water. Just about everything else needs water to stay in existence. Never mind that we are told of how Waters from above were separated from the waters of below then the waters of below are separated from land to have sea and dry land.

One thing about water, it is a Universal solvent. Literally able to dissolve or simply float around things, including having memory. Water stores up things. Now the things of the physical world are just an image of the things of the spirit, and in what we refer to as spirit are the stores of life. The heart, acts as a transformer, able to change things from the spiritual and step it down into the physical and vice versa, the secret being that it does circulate our blood throughout the body! Whatever way you want to think it, the Spirit and Physical are linked here in us. Man is after all a likeness of God created in the image of God.

So yeah, I am the likeness created in His image …quite a word play.

Here is the thing, it took this so-called Mother Nature to create and sustain everything that was spoken into existence. Thus, we have the speaker and the doer, the architect and the builder, after which we have the Stillness and the Movement. Energy is constantly moving, so is spirit…sustaining life, letting death and decay set in so another be born and thrive. Just to die again, the cycles of Life. Anything less than this is in fact an unnatural, we must lose previous form to gain a newer form. But something always remains, and that is spirit.

In older texts, before all the translations and simplifications of the bible, the LORD is in full referred to as the LORD of Hosts. Hosts in today’s world may be used for angles, as in a host of angels, but really refers to the vast clamps of different types of spirit. Angels, and demons, being the most recognize. We as Man, fail to realize that we are spirit. In this case, spirit being the blue print of what something is to be, the channels that energy is to move to create Man or plant or planet or whatever else exists in the abundant Universe.

This in mind, you can no more truly state you revere the Father and remain quick to neglect this force called Nature. In this Nature did the Father bestow the mysteries we seek so greatly. Modern lifestyle has already proven that neglecting the physical world is highly detrimental. It is in this my physical body that I do seek the Father and it is into this physical body that He shall be found, filled in and overflowing. It is I this Earth that I build/seek Heaven and it is in deed in this very Earth that I shall experience this. It is in this very physical that I shall die and it is in this very physical that resurrection occurs. Just as was the case with the Christ, He simply ascended.

So why do we live obsessed with this death and fail to see the resurrection. Why do we look for the resurrection as if so, removed from us, while clearly the one we first know as having resurrected did it in flesh!? Why do we live searching for something we do not even want to find it flesh when the Christ and all other Masters spoke the secret all along, ‘The Father and I are one’? There is nowhere else to experience the Father but in this the physical and He created everything in such a way that we can find Him so easily… not in the stars and far removed but right here in the very planes of our existence.

You cannot speak of loving the Father when you do not love the brother beside you. These great and exemplified characteristics of heaven are expected to lived out here! The health, wealth and peace (literally every Man shares this one dream but somehow is ashamed to speak it out in these days, like really!?) we seek cannot be found in any other place than this. In the Spirit world, we have no need for money or clothing or food or good company coz these are just the needs of the body. Well beats logic to keep postponing the best in life to the afterlife.

Mother Nature simply acts out the Eternal commands of Consciousness: knowing so well how to do that which Father simply commands. Together, the wholeness of Creation, acts out their dance as the Universe

Nature, so much larger than just what our physical eyes can see, is the Father. Omnipotent as in holding all power. Omnipresent as in present in all Time. Omniscient as in holding all knowledge. Just so you know, Power is the ability to do something. All this Time, all this Doing and all that there is to know somehow simply exists in Nature. In fact, Nature is made up of all these three things. So, while we scurry after the likeness we are, let us not forget we ourselves are within the image of God. In any case, the Father we are told entered rest upon completion of the works but the Waters remained part of the works, to complete the works. Really, I am a child of the Father and the Mother …one sustains from above and the other from the very ground I walk. Foolishness is forgetting this one thing.

We have to open our Hearts to access the Waters Above though.



Mumina Musings
Mumina Musings

Written by Mumina Musings

Free spirit. Fire heart. Genius mind. Self realize to self actualize. Visit

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