Who can get to say what life is really about? Well other than Life itself of course but that Dimension is well above us. Someday maybe … Anyway, for now, after much introspection and observation, the true meaning of Life is given by the one living this said life.
If you really do think about it, who dictates the love one has for fame and the preference of another for the shadow worlds? What gets to decide what’s of importance to the career woman and the home nurturer? Some love this and chase that while for others it is another thing altogether. Everyone gets to assign for himself or herself what that is that gets them out of bed every day.
Why do I bother…?
Why should one even bother really?
The simplicity I do derive from the diversity Life has shown in its levels, from galaxies to stars and planets, from flora and fauna to landscapes, from character and personalities to mere passions, interest and gifts … so many possibilities in such a wonderous field of events.
Anything literally is possible!
So, yeah, it gets back to myself and that which we choose to make use of our Time and Space with. The Use of Intention and the Direction of Will… the Dedication of Awareness and the Point of Focus. It all adds up back to what I do and why I do it…
That which is of interest to, the human spirit will pursue. That is just in our nature, it was made this way so we may spend time in the very least doing what we think matters at the end of the day. Call it Free Will.
Simple rules, of course, apply to how we are allowed to carry ourself around others.
They have always existed in Man to have these Laws. They are written into our very core, for we are after all creatures born of Honor like all other beasts. We know how to interact with our environment, still mimic it to a point and degree, and of course each other.
And I mean the whole range of the Earthly community …call her Gaia.
So, we allowed ourselves to forget these and now live as the Prodigal Sons …still within home’s reach but afraid of showing up anyway. The whole of Creation moans awaiting the revelation of the Sons of God.
Apocalyptic drama and all …Eris’ Apple at the Wedding shit!
What are we all about anyway? What Am I all about anyway!? Getting real here, forget about the days to come or Life after Death …what about Life here while there still is Living? What are Incarnations for if not to bother with possibilities of Heaven here? Man shapes his own destiny and this is just a rule. The failure of which is Fate …I suppose?
The Shrieking Erinyes sorta…
We get up and keep going …back to wherever each is set on getting. The Journey is for All …not just the Aware. Each has a point of entry and exit, like sailing ships Seven Seas from dock to dock. So do the ships move in Life, through Life and because of Life. Remember your Coin for the Ferryman.
Anubis and Libra Scales await.
These are not Worlds beyond but real and true all around us. Real hidden but moving, Unseen but moving things. Blinded we fail to truly see or understand, our place never was about messing with Earthlings but to experience the best of ourselves as we ferry on through. Free up your Spirit and let go of your Load.
Santa and his bag of gifts typa…
I come bearing gifts, heavy is this my Load. With Love I come giving, in Peace do I seek to give. How I give is of my own choosing. Free will applies in this case, unto each Man a tool suited just for his use. Any many are and have these tools been. Sometimes we do get carried away in some places, where gifts and talents serve those our personal purposes.
Midas’ touch… its burden.
Eaten of the Tree, the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil …indeed like gods we have become, able to decipher and weigh, allot and sort, align and design to fit our many tools and reasons. Each a season to serve, I suppose. Dominion looks and feels like this, smells like this.
Heavenly Decrees for the Earth-bound…
And Man becomes a Living Soul… having known how to do that which He was endowed for out of Love. To remember True Power comes in order to Bear Responsibility. It comes not whispering promises of Absolute Anarchy but the freedom from the Condemnation of Law, Love covers a multitude of Sins.
And we shall know Life and know Life No End.