Seasons do change but let’s be honest, it sucks before they do.
And let’s not even forget the amount of changing we have to undergo ourselves before they actually do.
If there is anything being ‘woke’ taught me, all life is a journey just that many go on without realizing it. Well, animals do. Plants do. All of life does, just Man seems to have forgotten it. We instead make life about achievements and competitions, trying to outdo one another and all. Its this game we learn to play from conception (yes, life does begin at conception but don’t let that stop you from making whatever decision, that’s on you), the MINE IS BETTER game. It is too real, really but unfortunately all of the world’s progress and regress alike are based on this one thing.
I do think back to pre-civilization often. I can’t say what it was like seeing as I was born in the modern times but I fantasize on it. A time when life was all about giving the best of yourself to your people and everyone was ‘your people’. A time when the best was the usual and not this thing you do just so the people give you stuff. A time when purity was a state of existence for all, a natural state in which we are born and die. Of course, death was not such a bad thing. I mean when you spend all your life in fulfillment and satisfaction leaving the physical existence is not such a scary thing. You know your essence, live working and cultivating it and therefore who you are is more than just the body and whatever you claim.
I never got to see it. In fact, I Am born in a time when people laugh at the thought of not competing or chasing after recognition, fame and fortune.
And it sucks, honestly, to have people laugh and look at you weird because you choose to turn your back on this mundanity we so treasure. I know, it’s a genius mind but is it so hard to imagine the genius mind would rather be used figuring out how best to heal and restore the Earth and its people? Seriously.
Over the years, especially after the awakening and the icky works of navigating a Dark Night of the Soul, it became clear there is more to life than a big house, impressive title and that large vehicle. Some of us, very sane Men, have found purpose and fulfillment involving ourselves actually living and not chasing the dangling carrot. Do not get it wrong, there is purpose even to those who choose to apply themselves to “the system” but their reasons are very different from that of everyone else. It has little to do with what they achieve or recognition received and more to do with what they give to Mankind.
It’s in this sense that the Scriptures mean when they say all is vanity but the pursuit of godliness. That even the most pious Man lives a life doing things everyone else does yet they are galaxies apart from the rest. Their intentions make all the difference. This universe, a vast and expansive universe, understands energy because everything is energy. This world in which we live, a very tiny part of the vast universe, forgot this. That everything is energy. Every thought, every sound, every word, every feeling, every action is energy. If in doubt remember that your bodily functions are nothing more than electrical charges… yes, we call that the Nervous System. We are held together by forces, just another way of saying energy applied to mass.
Well, pre-civilization, Mankind knew this and lived with this in mind. Complex systems such as the Ayurveda were created because Man observed and recorded these very natural things. I doubt it’s possible to create any work that partially measures up to this. We live in a very unnatural world and it shows in our children. Creatures so naturally attuned to joyfulness and peace are now angry, stressed out and growing into murderous rats. Rats because they live at the bottom of the food chain, at the mercy of cold and impervious parents, care givers and adults. As we were eroded and immersed into misery, so do we work to do the same. We do it even earlier this time, destroying them in the very wombs in which they’re introduced to physical existence and supposedly nurtured.
The concrete jungle, far from being the nurturing environment Mother Nature provides, is a cold place …figuratively and literally. This cold pervades everything in a Man until he himself is just as cold. While we look down at Nature as crude and primitive, we forget how complex and rich it really is. Huge and vast movements exist in Mother Nature, complex relationships with the one objective of supporting life at its simplest. We forget the grass grows because some star billion of light years away shines brightest, the water flows underground because miles away it constantly rains. It’s beautiful and irreplaceable; magical and irreplicable. And I as Man, Am the epitome of its existence.
Instead of working to polish this perfection I naturally AM, Man now steadily applies himself to climbing an impervious hill. Stoney is the hill that Man can’t climb. I do sorely hate to be the harbinger of a tragic tale yet it remains that the struggle shall continue. Not that the struggle is impregnable, unstoppable, but rather we work hard and dedicatedly to keep the very source of this struggle alive. Being the case, clearly the struggle shall continue unless we ourselves change.
And with change of Mankind comes the new song.