Mumina Musings
3 min readJun 15, 2022

Things fall apart. This is a title to a book, telling of a man who lived in Western Africa as the Europeans actively set into colonization. The point where they stopped playing pretend and the fangs came out, yeah. This man, born into the pre-colonial African way of life struggles with the changes he sees coming on. And he resists it, with all that he has. But change is here and there is nothing much that he can do about it. He opts for death: well, he did see the danger that lurked for the future generations while most others just didn’t.

And things are falling apart.

Well, the story may not be as tragic as this man’s but still we can no longer hide our heads in the sand and pretend we do not hear the tolling bells. Like a wakeup call …or, war alarms, depending on one’s perspective.

Look online and the stories have been there for a while now, most of the 2010’s were occupied by different people telling different stories about the same prophecies: things are changing. Are we prepared for the change or are we hung up over what we thought was paradise?

We have been waiting and asking and nagging the heavens for long enough. Here we are, finally!, though a long ways still.

Parallel worlds, Explored Probabilities, Endless Possibilities. Only Eternity is big enough to contain the endlessness of Infinity.

I don’t know much about the whole parallel universes and how they work. Yet I am in this one universe. My presence is contained in this physical dimension existing in this one universe. Whatever other possibilities are playing out, I can only intuit them. At any one point in my life, I get to choose. With every one choice I make, certain possibilities are erased completely while new ones open. So on and so forth, a mapwork of probabilities with a red line showing the path of choices.

At a point like this, it becomes obvious that there is no defined future. Maybe a set out come, but the way to the set outcome is up to our choosing. The best of humanity, will and shall, come forth.

We could take the long and treacherous path. The bloody annihilation and doomsday path. The harps and kumbayas path. Flying cars and teleportation path. Communes and fellowships paths.

We get to choose.

In essence we are astronaut traversing through the Space-Time. Anything goes. We choose what part of the Verse to explore. The journey is endless and limitless, any limitations exist in our conditioned thoughts. We truly are incredible Creators in this Simulator called Space-Time.

History has led us to this point in time where we must choose what next. One way or another, we have explored all these paths. Just look back through time and see. Now, we get to choose what we would rather be our way to the heaven we keep talking about. Whichever way, everything around us is preparing for the hyperdrive that’s just around the corner: even the newborn seems to be carrying a secret the adults around them can’t tell. Getting born smarter, quicker, sharper than any previous generations. Something is up and everyone is in on the secret apart from MAN.


Anyway, that’s what's about. To endings and beginnings, lessons and adaptations. To evolution. I’ll drink to that.

Mumina Musings

Free spirit. Fire heart. Genius mind. Self realize to self actualize. Visit