How often do we forget ourselves?
What we are, who we choose to be, where we want to be, how we want to be and why we are…
Well, take a pause here and notice this one thing, the idea of “BE”. A long time ago, I remember during an existential crisis when I bothered to figure what my worth truly was, I asked myself the question ‘WHO AM I?’
Let’s back track a little. Around this time, I was experiencing a reawakening to the spiritual nature of the human life, my life. And I was furiously doing lots of research and be it that most of the spiritual information can be salvaged in religious books. The writers of these said Scriptures had had their own experiences and felt the desire to share them. Hidden gems which once released are free to be interpreted whichever way and used however way. The folly.
Anyway, I came across the bit about Moses and the burning bush. How when Moses asked what he is to tell the Israelites had sent him to deliver them, the answer was simple; tell them I AM THAT I AM has sent you. It's one of those things that really mean absolutely nothing until the need to understand it fills you. And the significance is deep.
The statement implies at both the absence and presence of… but of what? Here is the trick, anything goes. The idea that because of nothingness then anything can exist and therefore will exist in the form of something, when and if the need arises. I am nothing and because I am nothing, I can be anything.
Now, when asked “Who are you?” oft than not we quickly fall back to labels based on what we do. Do not get me wrong, there are the definites: say a female is a female is a female of which I am. Then there are the rest, that we can enter or leave at will say a career or likes. To be female does not exempt me from anything else and to allow that it does is a folly. Yet here we are. We use labels, even those that can be entered and left, as definites. We lock our identities down on things that can be and ought to change. In locking the identities, we assume that we have locked the changeable as well. Folly.
We choose who we are at any one moment in life, even the idea that we do not get to choose implies that one has chosen to give away their power of choice. And we lose ourselves in this, we lose ourselves thinking that we have found ourselves, but have we?
So, what way then if not this way?
If I get to choose, then what is it that I choose?
What sets men apart from their peers, character does. The set of values he has chosen to live by, has adhered to and is intent on them guiding him.
When asked the question ‘Who are you?’ let the answers be given in adjectives, not nouns. I am kind, I am caring, I am dedicated, I am determined so on and so forth. Thus the worth is in how they are doing what they do, or rather how they be. We circle back to BE, its all about BEING even as we do what we do when we do them. The BE determines the why and the how we get to do.