Mumina Musings
4 min readMar 30, 2021


There can be no more precise solution to many of life’s questions and troubles than this: that we simply must release all complications that we have taken onto ourselves just to find purity. In purity does life play out most harmonious… Heaven on earth

This whole self-healing, self-realization and self-actualization thing can be a little bit too much. Almost fairytale sometimes… in a way it too got carried away in the tides and motions, lost its original intent. Sad it is but it has happened with every deeper teaching brought on. Like religion, spirituality is easily swept away by self-righteousness and materialism.

Now, one thing keeps getting swept under the current: the simple fact that Man is a spirit. Many fuss over this thing, maybe because superstition has had many bedazzled. This is an attempt on my side to make sense of things logic cannot grasp. And this is it! The spirit realm is something to be experienced and not made logical sense of. It is felt deeply and only in the feeling of it can there be logical understanding. Trying to reach the spirit via logics is a tough one but upon reaching the spirit, logic becomes one more tool to navigate the vast, uncontainable and unlimited spirit world.

Man is one more Being in this vast world and he like all others begun as spirit before he became flesh. We need to understand that the physical world is in fact the anomaly. There exist many more planes of existence where the very flesh is in fact spirit, remember the whole Jesus of Nazareth’s transfiguration thing? Yes! It is inherent to us as Man but long forgotten is this fact. Yet all the same, aware of yourself as a spirit or not does not make one less of a spirit. Those who are aware of themselves as such interact with the spirit and souls of the unaware every day.

In the previous article, I spoke of what Awakening, Enlightenment and Being Born again is all about. All these are terms from different religions and lifestyles explaining the same thing. The realization of one self as a spirit. With the realization comes a subsequent life change to match this. Now I shall take it a step further and speak on self-actualization.

Man is a complex being, in that the whole universe as a macrocosm is inherent in Man as a microcosm. Thinking on it, it literally means that all other realms, planes and dimensions of existence co-exist within Man. It is this very thing that enables Man bear dominion over creation. How harmoniously these exist within Man determine the quality of life one gets to live. The said planes of existence can easily be summed up into 5 although these are not the totality of them. As such Man can be said to be made up of 5 sheaths. These are: Physical Body, Energetic/Breathe Body, Emotional Body, Psychic/Intellectual Body and the Spirit/Bliss Body. Each and every one of these sheaths is a part of Man existing in different planes. Each allows him access and therefore motion and action in this said realm. One sheath leads to the other and so on, like a maze whose one level leads deeper into the complex. The spirit body is the inner most sanctuary.

Spirituality is nothing more than the conscious navigation of oneself in this maze towards Self. The Spirit body is not so much the end just as much as it is. The most pure and powerful aspect of Man is his Spirit. This part of self exists outside of time and the 3D constructs. This part is eternal and infinite in itself. Each and every one part is accessible, easily.

It can be said that a spiritual life and practice is nothing more than the unravelling of oneself from the outside in. It is the coming back home to Self. it is for this reason that it never stops. The infinite nature of the Spirit facilitates the Soul to keep expanding and growing: everything is possible. The sense is to master Self. The master of Self can easily be a jerk of all traits or a master of just one.

It must be said that the idea of Self is a Soul thing. But then there can be no Soul without the Spirit of One Self. I have mentioned before in other articles that the Spirit is the basic energetic blueprint for a Being. All Beings, all things in existence are Spirit before they are anything else. Some are destined for nothing more that Spirit body and some are destined to a more gross body. Not all gross bodies are flesh like our own carbon-based bodies. I suppose each gross body is made up of the element most associated with its realm of existence and to a degree purpose. The most common example will be that of angels whose gross bodies are spiritual fire based; so are djinns (genies if you may) who look like Man but are physical fire based.

Everything in existence is Spirit. So is Man. To the dust his physical body shall return but it is to the LORD who is Spirit that his Spirit shall return. The main idea here is to live and leave in full awareness of self as Spirit. It does take a lifetime to fully familiarize oneself with the spirit, to adjust oneself accordingly and to fully assimilate the way of life to that of a Spirit Being. One could argue all they want but in essence all that Jesus of Nazareth who was a Christ Being came to do was awaken us to this reality so we could go on to fully realize and actualize the Spirit Life.



Mumina Musings
Mumina Musings

Written by Mumina Musings

Free spirit. Fire heart. Genius mind. Self realize to self actualize. Visit shebelives.wordpress.com

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